Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Cellulitis : It Came Baaaaaaaack - Multiple Times

This is what CELLULITIS looks like and the treatment I have received the two times
that I have been hospitalized for it. I got it in my left arm, the one that they removed the lymph nodes from when I had Breast Cancer back in 2007.
It is very painful and spreads very quickly. It came on all of a sudden, and within an hour I was in the emergency room and was admitted shortly after. I was in the hospital for 3 days - each time -  and on an extreme dose of IV antibiotics the whole time I was there.
It is scary when this happens because it is very important to get treatment right away for cellulitis. If it is not treated, the bacteria can spread quickly through the body and cause sepsis, an extreme response by the body’s defense system. This can be deadly. Cellulitis on the face can spread to the brain and cause a dangerous infection (meningitis). Cellulitis can also cause other serious problems, such as blood clots in the legs
My Oncologist is keeping a close eye on it, but has decided not to put me on a daily medication unless it comes back. I have been screened by infectious diseases and no one seems to know where it is coming from. THIS is the reason that I call my left arm my "Cancer Arm" because Im sure that if I would have never gotten cancer, this would not be happening!
Uggggghhhhhh - What is next?!?!?!

The following photos are the antibiotics they had me on:

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