Thursday, September 5, 2013

WTH, Why is my arm leaking?!

OK, so there I was cooking dinner when I felt some water trickling down my left arm. Since I was back and forth to the sink, I didn't think anything of it. Until it happened three more times. I kept wiping my arm in the same spot because it was trickling with water.
Well, it seems that the water wasn't from the sink, my friggin arm sprung a leak and the water was oozing from my arm. Ewwwwwww gross, right?!
Scary is more like it! Freaked me the hell out!!
(Remember, my left arm is the arm that I call my "Cancer Arm" because it is the arm that I had lymph nodes removed from.)
I found out the it is called "Lymphorrhea" and probably came from a poke or scratch to my skin when I was in the yard tying up some branches. You can't see any wound or exit spot, or where it is even coming from. Strange!
This is what it looked like:


I researched it and this is what I found out:

Lymphorrhea: the leakage of lymph

What’s leaking out of my leg/arm/etc?The light, amber-colored fluid that is beading and trickling from your skin is called lymph. The leaking or weeping of this protein-rich lymph is known as lymphorrhea.
What causes this to happen?Insect bites, abrasions, cuts, wounds, or cracks in the skin can enable the lymph fluid to seep out. Whenever I’ve had it, it drains from an extremely small break in my skin about the size of a pore.
What complications can it cause?
There are two main complications that lymphorrhea can spell out for lymphies, one of which being infection. The lymph fluid is considered a natural food source for bacteria, meaning the wound becomes an entry point for the bacteria to enter your body and cause infections such as cellulitis, lymphangitis, or erysipelas. Lymphorrhea is also highly caustic to skin tissue, and when the drainage is left untreated, it could quickly become a large, gaping wound. When this happens, skin grafts are often required.
How do I avoid it?
The best thing you can do to avoid getting lymphorrhea is to take care of your skin. Keep it moisturized, as dry skin will lead to cracking and could cause the fluid to leak. Also, avoid cuts, bites, and scrapes if you can. Obviously it’s difficult to avoid these things to a T (unless you want to enclose your affected limb in a bubble!), but if you’re careful then your chances of contracting it will be lessened.
What do I do if I get it?
If you spring a leak, don’t worry – there are things you can do to treat it. First, you should clean the area where the fluid is leaking to reduce infection. Then, apply a moisturizing lotion to help heal the skin and protect it from further breakdown. Dress the wound with clean, absorbent, non-sticky bandages, and then wrap your limb with compression bandages to help stop the drainage. With this added pressure, the leaking should stop within one or two days. Don’t forget to change the bandages often, as they’ll become wet and uncomfortable from the lymph. When you’re at rest, elevate that sucker! Once the leakage has stopped and your skin is restored, you can don your usual garments again.

So really, what the hell is next with this, supposed, CANCER FREE body I have!!
I know people that have had major surgery and had cancer removed and just gone on with chemo, no radiation, no further treatment needed.
I know others that have, unfortunately, passed away from it.
I seem to be the one stuck in the middle - Cancer Free but constantly having reminders! Can't I just live a normal life - the way that I was BEFORE Cancer came in to my life and left its mark on me for life!! WTF?!?!?!

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