Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Surgery over at last !!!!!

My surgery went well the wait was long but all went well.

They did a lympectomy and sentinal node biopsy as well
as the biopsy of 7 other lymph nodes.
The preliminary reports on the nodes all came back benign (negative) and I will have the final reports at my next appt on the 20th.

WhoooooooHoooooo - let the parties begin!!!

Things went just as I expected - smooth without a hitch.

I am so greatful for all your well wishes and prayers and it is greatly appreciated!
I will be up and running in no time!

My arm is abit stiff and sore, but I can still use it.

The dye has turned parts of me blue - but this will gradually leave.

I will write more again soon.

Have a GREAT day everyone!!!

1 comment:

apprentice said...

Well done. That's the hard part over. Whatever else they recommend is entirely doable.

It is a high to know that the cancer has been removed. Your photographs are very brave.

Get some rest and I hope the wound heal well